2025 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Smiths Falls Girls Hockey Association will take place on Wednesday, May 14th in the Community Centre Hall commencing at 6:30 p.m.
Election of the 2025-26 Executive will be conducted in accordance with:
Article 6 - Election of Executive
- Executive of the Association shall be elected at an AGM and shall hold office until the adjournment of the next AGM following the AGM at which they were elected. A member of the executive may be re-elected.
- A non-member appointed by the current executive will act as scrutinizer of the election.
- The President shall be elected by the members at the AGM and shall hold office until the adjournment of the next AGM thereafter. No person may be nominated for, acclaimed to or elected to the position of President unless that person is a member of the SFGHA for at least two years and has experience volunteering with SFGHA.
- Any voting member of the SFGHA may be nominated for any of the remaining vacancies on the Executive.
- The Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the members at the AGM and shall hold office until the adjournment of the next AGM thereafter.
- Nominations for the remaining executive will be accepted from the floor at the AGM provided the nominees have stated their willingness, either in writing or in person to the office for which they have been nominated.
- The Executive will be elected by written ballot by the majority of those present.
- Vacancies of the Executive, however caused, may be filled by resolution of the Executive as long as a quorum of fifty percent of the Executive remains in office.
- A person may be appointed by the executive until the adjournment of the next AGM.
Click here for a description of the duties of the Officers.
Any proposed changes to our SFGHA Constitution, must be submitted to our Secretary Laura Doran-Veevers (laura_moynes@hotmail.com) by April 14th, 2025 at noon.
Article 15 - Amendments
- Amendments to the Constitution may be made at any properly called AGM of the membership.
- An amendment in writing signed by a mover and a seconder must be given to the Secretary at least 30 days before the AGM is to take place. Both the mover and the seconder must be voting members of the association.
- An amendment must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the voting members present at the meeting.